
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Reality TV: Afters

One of Shakespeare's many pieces of wisdom told us "All the world's a stage". I've come to believe him. I certainly had a childhood full of stage-ready behavior and a love of drama. I'd like to think my adulthood thus far doesn't exactly match. However, todays'a reality TV would make us think most are stage-ready. Whether it's your average Teen Mom, roadie who's Married to Rock, hopeless romantic single hoping to score the next Bachelor, aspiring Design Star, or working mom making life simple with 5 ingredients or less, there's a stage for all of them. You could even hoard cats, collect antiques, and buy other less fortunate souls' storage units and be ready for TV!

What channel would your life be on? There are channels featuring faith-based programming, DIY tips, home and garden renovations, cartoons only, kid-friendly content, educational programming, animal training etcetera. What would your show be called? I'd like to think I'd make it on HGTV but there's no way I could pick just one topic. As with many other young couples, we used to watch HGTV to see what other people were buying or doing. Now, we watch it for ideas, inspiration and instructions! Mike Holmes may very well be idolized in our household. However, there's one reason I just know I wouldn't make it on HGTV. I never get before shots!

I do projects and then have people ask how'd you do that?. Well. . . let me think. I guess I'm one of those people who only prefers people see the end results-once they're polished and worthy of a moderate amount of showing off. So, forgive me for posting more afters than before & after combinations. And, know that I don't just post for bragging rights. I am actually drawn to share projects for multiple reasons. One-I find inspiration in the weirdest places so who's to say someone wouldn't find it from my own past successes (or tips from our failures)? Two-I'm usually pretty proud of the work that goes into a project. This often includes my husband's effort and learning process and all wives should know that bragging on your husband is a great way to spend your time. Third-this is how I spend most of my time (once you include cooking and cleaning) so what else do I really have to share? So, coming soon-a series of Afters! DIY, Re-makes, Touch-ups, Personalizations. . . you name it-I'll share it!

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