I was told tonight that at my age, I should start settling for anything that is 80% of ideal in terms of career/relationships/etc. Between the ages of 30 & 40, this number drops to 60%. 1. These people apparently don't know me...and 2. I need more optimistic people in my life.
This was a recent facebook status post by an amazing friend! Keep in mind, this proposed age of settling is a vibrant 26! Luckily, her last two points in response to this piece of advice she was given are right on! How do you feel about 80%? The whole idea of settling, a few years ago, would have seemed absolutely ridiculous to me in these two categories of career and relationships. I would have been shocked and appalled to have a comment such as this made to me (and I am for her sake). However, I’ve been surprised at how much all of that has changed in recent years.
Thankfully, I didn’t settle in the category of relationships when marrying my best friend! My every single day is blessed with him in it. I’ll admit I forget to show it at every waking minute but he knows the truth! Still to this day, I don’t want to settle in any relationships. Friendships that aren’t worth having, I no longer have. Grudges that aren’t worth holding, I no longer hold. Feelings that aren’t worth hurting, I never intentionally hurt (and have found value in an apology if I do). There will be relationships in years to come that require a full 100% of my love and dedication resembled by communication and effort. That is one place I certainly hope to never settle. 80% for our two dogs. . . never. 80% for future Decker babies-not a chance (and NOT an announcement)!
However, I have found that the same is not true of my career aspirations. In fact, my overall career aspirations are at only about 80% of what they once were (and 30% of that still remains unclear or, more appropriately put, flexible). I’m just saying, I used to want to reach the top and now I see the benefits of the middle. I still want to give 100% and feel successful and rewarded in a job I find meaningful. I hope that meaning always consists of more than paying the bills with the occasional excess for a self-indulgent shopping spree or home renovation.
My point is this: I am surprised at how much of my “100%” is met through relationships. I have my husband, friends, family, four-legged companions, and God to fulfill more of my life than I ever knew they would. The sense of accomplishment I once thought I would feel from work is felt tenfold in my most meaningful relationships. I hope you feel it too. . . from me, from others, from Him! We all deserve 100% whatever that means to each of us. No mix is better or worse as long as it is led by the best director we could ask for!
A woman’s heart plans her way, but the Lord directs her steps. ~Proverbs 16:9
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